Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Web 101 Week 2 Topic 1.1 WHAT IS THE INTERNET

Web 101 Week 2

Topic 1.1 What is the internet

Network Basics

According to the information that is in the notes, it’s a very big computer network!

And interesting to find out that: “However, as with many technological tools, the Net has become so ubiquitous in our society that most people are barely familiar with the fundamentals of how it operates.” (Curtin 2010 Web communications 101). (Ubiquitous = everywhere).

I enjoyed the interactive embedded sections of the notes, it made for interesting watching especially the history of the internet. Fifty + years from the invention of the original super computer to the internet that we utilise today.

Part 2 Activities

Activity 1 Routing in Action

Proxy trace to
19 hops / 22.0 seconds

1. Unknown
2. bigpond.net.au
3. telstra.net
4. telstra.net
5. telstra.net
6. telstra.net
7. telstra.net
8. telstra.net
9. reach.com
10. reach.com
11. comcast.net
12. comcast.net
13. dreamhost.com
14. dreamhost.com
15. dreamhost.com
16. coresite.com
19. 1e100.net
~16,257 miles travelled

My thoughts:

This has been an interesting experience as I have never done a proxy trace before. I didn’t realise that the proxy bounced off so many hosts until it landed in its final destination.

I did a trace for eztv.it and found that its origin is in Sverige, Sweden, but as with the other trace for Google, they all seem to route through America.

Activity 2 Who owns what?

“All domain names are registered either to a business or an individual. Now, we're going to use that knowledge to do a little snooping!”

Apart from mickey.com which is registered to Melbourne IT LTD. D/B/A INTERNET NAMES WORLDWIDE.
The remainder are: Registrar: MARKMONITOR INC.

My thoughts:

I have never used AutoWhois before, I found it quite interesting to find that Markmonitor is used by many sites as a registrar. I think it is more for BRAND protection, protection of registrant’s information on domain names.

PART 3 Examples of Networking Software.

“A global computer network is only as useful as the applications that can be used on it”

My thoughts:

The first experience I had with email and news groups (News Network Transfer Protocol) was when I attended the local university in the mid 1990’s and accessing the internet was via dial up. The university had its own server that was networked and they sent a great deal of information via the newsgroups. It was a complex system at the time. (It was interesting to find out that Google had purchased archived newsgroups. Does that mean that if I had submitted something to the newsgroup, it is now the property of a major conglomerate? ) I participated at great length on IRC (inter relay chat) under the nickname “Argos”, but IRC was not as developed then as it is now. Just out of pure curiosity I had a look at the new (to me) IRC. The program has changed dramatically as has ICQ which was also developed around the same (if not a year or two later). I made quite a few friends who I still keep in contact with.

NET 102 1st reading 'Everyday life' and 'Conclusion'

As part of the introduction category for week one:

‘Everyday Life’ and ‘Conclusion’ sections (pp. 163 to 165) of Berger, A. A. (1995). Sociological Theory and Cultural Criticism. In Cultural Criticism: A Primer of Key Concepts. Sage Publications.

My Review.

Berger discusses his study on how popular culture and Mass media affect everyday life. His focus is on everyday life "on the experiences of ordinary people and on their routines, attitudes, beliefs, and ways of functioning, with a particular interest in how they find meaning in their experiences". (1995, p 163)

Berger suggests in his writings that there are three important main points, “about how sociologist of everyday life work” (1995, p 163), first, natural environment observation, second, face to face observation and third, what people find meaningful in their lives, their internal experiences. He discusses that there is a difference between how sociologist on different continents, in this case “continental social scientists”(1995, p163) and in particular Henri Lefebvre, vary from American scholars in respect to ideological aspects of everyday life. He discusses how some American scholars study and blend the two ideologies to which “it is possible to draw a line between mass-mediated culture and everyday life” (1995, p 164).

I’m led to understand by Berger, that everyday life if studied can provide us with an understanding of social and sociological perspectives and could help us enhance further our utilisation and connection between popular culture, mass media and everyday life.
My thoughts:

It was an interesting read. Did I understand it? Yes to a degree. What did I learn? That mass media really does need to be studied by sociologists and not philosophers (it’s not really a philosophical concept; it is everyday life so why get philosophical about it?). No wonder television, newspapers, magazines and in particular the internet have progressed in leaps and bounds, people have the desire for knowledge no matter how insignificant it is, and people will want to study those who have desires. The internet has certainly taken me to places I never thought I would go, given me access to things I’m curious about, why not study it?


‘Everyday Life’ and ‘Conclusion’ sections (pp. 163 to 165) of Berger, A. A. (1995). Sociological Theory and Cultural Criticism. In Cultural Criticism: A Primer of Key Concepts (pp. 135-165). Sage Publications.

If you like my review, thank you. Please do not copy.

Web 101 Week 2 (week 1 activity )

(I'm just backtracking here as I'm pretty sure I was meant to blog this last week. I'm blogging it this week (we are now in week 2 of a 13 week course.)

Web Communications 101: Communication and Collaboration Online.
What's in a name?

We were asked in the introduction module (module 1) to think about usernames.

"Activity - Thinking about Usernames
Throughout this unit (and subsequent Internet Communications units that deal with web presence) you will be utilising a variety of online services and applications. Before we begin therefore, it is a good time to think about consolidating your use of these services by establishing a username that you can share amongst them. Fortunately, there are a number of services available to assist you in this process. In this activity we are going to use one of these, namechk.com, to search for a suitable username." (Curtin: Web 101 introduction unit information)


To find a suitable username that could be utilised over the duration of the course to use with different web 2.0 applications. (Internet streaming music sites, facebook, twitter etc, basically social  networking.)
I found that I am on 12+ sites, you could probably find me on more that aren't listed on namechk.
My username "loulounilly ", is one that I have been using for a while now. It's a combination of my family nick name, loulou, and that of my son's Nilly. I've been using that particular pseudonym for over 2 years and I haven't come across any others that are in any way shape or form, similar. (just as well!).

You can also find me on the following sites
Twitter : loulounilly
Windows live messenger : Laura L (loulouherbert@hotmail.com)
Skype: laura.louise.herbert1
Facebook : Laura L Herbert (there are over 45 Laura Herbert's on there so don't forget the L in the middle).

Ive been on the Internet for a long time, so you are bound to come across me somewhere.

I'm slightly overwhelmed with returning to study, especially 2 units by distance education, but as long as I do the readings (re-read the readings) and try to keep one step ahead, I think I will be OK. Stress has been a huge part of my life for the last 3 years so I'm going to try and keep that to a minimum.
I love and hate the fact that all the courses are on line, the information is interactive which I am finding very intriguing.  Doing something like namechk was a bit of an interesting eye opener.

net 102 - it's feeling a bit daunting

The Internet and Everyday Life: NET102/502

This unit explores the Internet as a social technology; it examines the social, cultural, economic and political aspects of the Internet and its application. Together, we look at what the Internet is and what people do with it. In this unit, our interest is not in the 'nuts and bolts' technology of the Internet except in terms of the part it plays in social terms, and how the activities of people using the technology changes its path of development. We ask, what does the Internet mean in our lives?

Your study has been split into two modules:

Module 1: The Internet in Our Lives
This module introduces you to the Internet as a social technology through reading and activities. In this unit, our interest is not in the 'nuts and bolts' technology of the Internet except in terms of the part it plays in social terms. What does the Internet mean in our lives? This module is covered in weeks 1 to 6 by exploring two topics in each of weeks 2 to 4, before reflecting on the whole module in week 6.


◦Please familiarise yourself with the following: (which I have been and it's a little overwhelming, Im sure that as long as I do all the readings and go about it step by step I will be ok.............)
■Unit Outline (also linked from first page of the study area)
■Getting Started
■How to Study This Unit
■Your Map: Timeline and Activities Chart (it's in a prime, but scary location.....)
■Assessment (hmm)

◦Start studying with some of the central questions and ideas of the unit:
■Introduction: Studying the Internet
■Study Guide to Module 1 (read it cover to cover, and will probably read it again!)

(these are the 6 topics that I need to work through with their associated assignments over the next couple of weeks. I don't need luck! I just need a quiet house and bad weather.(I study better when it's wet and horrible outside.)
◦Topic 1.1: Music: I Want My MP3 (Laughey is quite a difficult read, it's interesting in that he talks about the history and development of subcultures within the commencement of personal portable music. I'm working on that one as I type.) (as for the rest, I will update my blog as I go, and if you are wondering what the weather is like outside right now, I've attached a photo at the bottom of the blog (yes my favorite subject, Mt Wellington.)
◦Topic 1.2: Games: At Work, No One Knows I'm a Wizard
◦Topic 1.3: Dating, Intimacy and Sexuality
◦Topic 1.4: Health: What My Doctor Didn't Tell Me
◦Topic 1.5: Faith and Spirituality Online
◦Topic 1.6: Politics: Julia Gillard is my Facebook Friend
◦Essay Writing and Perspective

◦Mindmapping and Reflection

Module 2: Bringing It All Together!

This module pulls together your earlier learning to answer some bigger questions about the relationship between the Internet and society today.

◦Topic 2.1: Power and Economy
◦Topic 2.2: Community and Identity
◦Topic 2.3: The Relationship between Society and Technology
◦Topic 2.4: The Shaping of Time and Space

WEEKS 11 to 13
◦Reflecting on Module 2
Assessment Overview

Stunning isn't she!

Well, onwards.