Module 1This module introduces you to the basic functionality of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Although the Internet is the result of some staggering advances in technology, perhaps even more revolutionary is the way in which these technologies have been taken up by users and, in the process, changed our understandings of communication and knowledge.
Module 2In this module we move on to examine some of the changes in functionality and perception that have given rise to the term "Web 2.0". The shift from the 'Web as Repository' to 'Web as Platform' has had profound influences on the way the Internet is used and understood. In this module we take a closer look at a number of these platforms and question the way in which they are not only redefining the nature of the Internet, but of culture itself.
Module 3In this module we are going to expand on the technical understandings we have gained about communication and participation on the Internet by exploring how an understanding of the mediated nature of these activities is essential to creating an effective web presence.
- Introduction to Module 3: Your Internet Footprint
- Topic 3.1: Your Digital Shadow
- Topic 3.2: Social Me(dia) Rivers
- Topic 3.3: The Future of Internet Communication