Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Web 101 Week 2 (week 1 activity )

(I'm just backtracking here as I'm pretty sure I was meant to blog this last week. I'm blogging it this week (we are now in week 2 of a 13 week course.)

Web Communications 101: Communication and Collaboration Online.
What's in a name?

We were asked in the introduction module (module 1) to think about usernames.

"Activity - Thinking about Usernames
Throughout this unit (and subsequent Internet Communications units that deal with web presence) you will be utilising a variety of online services and applications. Before we begin therefore, it is a good time to think about consolidating your use of these services by establishing a username that you can share amongst them. Fortunately, there are a number of services available to assist you in this process. In this activity we are going to use one of these, namechk.com, to search for a suitable username." (Curtin: Web 101 introduction unit information)


To find a suitable username that could be utilised over the duration of the course to use with different web 2.0 applications. (Internet streaming music sites, facebook, twitter etc, basically social  networking.)
I found that I am on 12+ sites, you could probably find me on more that aren't listed on namechk.
My username "loulounilly ", is one that I have been using for a while now. It's a combination of my family nick name, loulou, and that of my son's Nilly. I've been using that particular pseudonym for over 2 years and I haven't come across any others that are in any way shape or form, similar. (just as well!).

You can also find me on the following sites
Twitter : loulounilly
Windows live messenger : Laura L (loulouherbert@hotmail.com)
Skype: laura.louise.herbert1
Facebook : Laura L Herbert (there are over 45 Laura Herbert's on there so don't forget the L in the middle).

Ive been on the Internet for a long time, so you are bound to come across me somewhere.

I'm slightly overwhelmed with returning to study, especially 2 units by distance education, but as long as I do the readings (re-read the readings) and try to keep one step ahead, I think I will be OK. Stress has been a huge part of my life for the last 3 years so I'm going to try and keep that to a minimum.
I love and hate the fact that all the courses are on line, the information is interactive which I am finding very intriguing.  Doing something like namechk was a bit of an interesting eye opener.

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