Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saint David’s Park. Hobart. A beautiful park in memoriam

self explanatory St David's park Hobart
The Lions Gate - St Davids Park
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Beautiful Rotunda in the middle of the grounds.

The sad historical view of St Davids Park. Head stone ally shows how harsh the conditions were when the area was first settled. Infant death was prevelent. The journey out from England or even across the Bass Straight was endemic of the hard life that these new settlers could look forward to. Lives were lost on sea and some as soon as they touched down in early 1800's.
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The majestic pavilion

Monkey puzzle trees that were planted to commemorate the coronation of King George and Queen Elizabeth in 1937.

                                                        Yes I can see my majestic mountain. just.
100_8112 100_8115 100_8116 John Woodcock Graves memorial

Just out side the gate where my car was parked is the oldest Royal Tennis Club in Australia… (that square building in the fore ground)
A pictorial walk through the park………so to speak.
Another lovely day in paradise…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i havea been to that park, wow, i hope you can do a write up on it,sounds fantastic, and photos look great, love the rotunda..