Thursday, September 23, 2010

Net 102 Topic 1.6 Politics: Julia Gillard is My Facebook friend. Task 1.4 (assignment 1)

Net 102 Week 4 Topic 1.6: Politics: Julia Gillard is My Facebook Friend


Navigate around and discuss two of the following sites in terms of the kinds of involvement they encourage. Your initial writing for this topic should not be above 500 words, although it is fine for notes and extracts from the discussion, and further reflection, to take you over this limit: The two 'bold' links below are the ones that I will be discussing. promotes themselves as an independent political movement (activist group) whose main role is to educate Australians on current political issues, greater social responsibility and encourage voting. Staffed by volunteers and a core team of employed staff they are located in Sydney with over 370 000 members (384 061 at time of writing). They conduct research on new political campaigns that interest their members and believe in a shared progressive value system. Their use of media savvy (parody) adverts have attracted national television coverage and repeated plays via the web side YouTube and in the last Federal election (2010) the group ran over 700 television ads.

Their own web site has a link Channel GetUp!A YouTube hosted medium where anyone (current subscribers 1447 at time of writing) can view the majority of their many focus interest and parody clips.
As you navigate around the site you will come across headings such as GetUp! in the News, Take Action! and The latest! which draw the reader's attention.

As GetUp is a volunteer organisation they have no support financially from the current government, instead relying on donations from members and the public to help fund their cause. Membership: Joining is simple and free
Get up encourages community and as such host GetTogethers where members are encouraged to come together in organised gatherings. In navigating to the supplied map I was disappointed to find that there are no groups in Tasmania but that could possibly change in the near future.

After viewing and interacting with GetUp,, Tony Abbot's constituent site, Welcome to Warringah, is not as media connected as GetUp, which for a federal member of parliament is quite disappointing. When you first navigate to the site you are greeted with rotating photos of Tony Abbot and his related causes and concerns, if you click on a prominent glow lit photo it will that take you to another web page that hosts subjects like 'Latest press release, Tell us what YOU think' and Tony's eNewsletter (which you can sign up for).

The site does encourage accessibility with RSS, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr links. I was interested to learn that Tony Abbot tweeted but from observation the last tweet was 35+ days ago, during the federal election. The Flickr photos are also related to that time period. When I accessed the blog page the last date was Friday 18th of June 2010 which compels me to think that the majority of the site appears to have not been kept up to date with exception to the Press Release section (latest post 14th September 2010).
I would have to say that the site really doesn't encourage me to visit and interact the way GetUp does, it appears quite static and more like an advertisement for Tony Abbot political office, which it is.


YouTube GetUp election report
(4,157 views at time of writing 23/10/2010)
Tony Abbot


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